Tuesday, December 9, 2008

10 Pointers on Looking After Your Skin

I can't get enough of simple tips to help me look after my skin. Often it can be just one or two tips that can make a huge difference for me. Take for example getting plenty of sleep and drinking lots of water. Simple? Yes. Easy to carry out? Not necessarily. But by continuing to read and hear about these types of tips they can suddenly sink in like they did for me. Juluis Riason has put together a list of tips that is the best I have seen in awhile.

Ten Tips for Skin Care
by Julius Riason

Healthy skin is one of the most important factors of your beauty. This article about skin care tips is an effort to give you the 10 best skin care tips. The list of skin care tips has been limited to 10 because anything more that that would not only be difficult to remember, but also repeat the more important skin care tips. Without further ado, here are the top 10 skin tips:

* A bit of exercise and good sleep are vital, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. A shortage of sleep can lead to formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Furthermore, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. In addition to being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tip.

* Drink lots of water. Proper amounts of water can help to keep your skin moist, and can maintain the overall upkeep of your health. Drinking five to eight glasses a day can be challenging, but it's a step that should not be ignored. Note, however, that the alleged rule about eight glasses per day is not based on science: rather, it has been repeated so many times that it seems like a fact. Many foods are high in water content, so can make up a great portion of that eight glasses.

* Learning your skin type is one of the most important tidbits of skin care advice. Knowing your type is important because not every skin care product works for everyone. In fact, all the skin care products detail the type of skin they cater to.

* Treat your skin gently, after all, it's your body. Don't scrub or exfoliate too harshly or too often. Likewise, don't apply too much or too many skin care products.

* Keep it clean. Cleanse your skin at least once or twice a day. This is a very important skin care tip that will help to rid your skin of dirt and bacterial elements. Cleansing is particularly important when you have been away from home and exposed to pollutants, dust and debris. Another good skin care tip is to use lukewarm water for cleansing, as water that's too hot or too cold can damage your tender skin.

* Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen to shield your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. You may choose to apply daytime moisturizers that contain UV protection. These should be used everyday, even when it's not sunny. The sun's UV radiation is known to cause skin cancer, so follow this skin care tip without question.

* Moisturize your skin every day. The importance of using a good moisturizer is one of the most important skin care tips. Don't allow your skin to dry out, as dryness causes the outer layer of your skin to crack and creates a rough, unattractive appearance. Use moisturizers and emollients, and apply them while your skin is wet for best results.

* Avoid soaps that can dry your face. Soap should only be used on skin below the neck. Look for a good quality facial cleanser that won't dry your skin.

* Take care in treating skin problems. While acne and other skin problems should not be ignored, they shouldn't be over treated, either. Speak with a qualified dermatologist before you try a new skin care product, or you may end up causing even more harm to your skin.

* Don't stress out. The harmful effects of stress are widely known, but it's important to state the obvious. Skin care tip number ten is to avoid stress. When you're feeling the pressure from stress take a break, pamper yourself with a warm bubble bath or just get good sleep.

Columnist Julius Riason provides material for a variety of Internet magazines, on health and beauty and health and fitness issues.
Following these tips can make a huge difference for your skin's health. As I mentioned above, while they are simple in theory it is up to you to implement. While we all have our bad days it is up to you to make sure you follow these tips most of the time to ensure you gain their benefits.

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