Tuesday, December 9, 2008

10 Pointers on Looking After Your Skin

I can't get enough of simple tips to help me look after my skin. Often it can be just one or two tips that can make a huge difference for me. Take for example getting plenty of sleep and drinking lots of water. Simple? Yes. Easy to carry out? Not necessarily. But by continuing to read and hear about these types of tips they can suddenly sink in like they did for me. Juluis Riason has put together a list of tips that is the best I have seen in awhile.

Ten Tips for Skin Care
by Julius Riason

Healthy skin is one of the most important factors of your beauty. This article about skin care tips is an effort to give you the 10 best skin care tips. The list of skin care tips has been limited to 10 because anything more that that would not only be difficult to remember, but also repeat the more important skin care tips. Without further ado, here are the top 10 skin tips:

* A bit of exercise and good sleep are vital, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. A shortage of sleep can lead to formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Furthermore, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. In addition to being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tip.

* Drink lots of water. Proper amounts of water can help to keep your skin moist, and can maintain the overall upkeep of your health. Drinking five to eight glasses a day can be challenging, but it's a step that should not be ignored. Note, however, that the alleged rule about eight glasses per day is not based on science: rather, it has been repeated so many times that it seems like a fact. Many foods are high in water content, so can make up a great portion of that eight glasses.

* Learning your skin type is one of the most important tidbits of skin care advice. Knowing your type is important because not every skin care product works for everyone. In fact, all the skin care products detail the type of skin they cater to.

* Treat your skin gently, after all, it's your body. Don't scrub or exfoliate too harshly or too often. Likewise, don't apply too much or too many skin care products.

* Keep it clean. Cleanse your skin at least once or twice a day. This is a very important skin care tip that will help to rid your skin of dirt and bacterial elements. Cleansing is particularly important when you have been away from home and exposed to pollutants, dust and debris. Another good skin care tip is to use lukewarm water for cleansing, as water that's too hot or too cold can damage your tender skin.

* Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen to shield your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. You may choose to apply daytime moisturizers that contain UV protection. These should be used everyday, even when it's not sunny. The sun's UV radiation is known to cause skin cancer, so follow this skin care tip without question.

* Moisturize your skin every day. The importance of using a good moisturizer is one of the most important skin care tips. Don't allow your skin to dry out, as dryness causes the outer layer of your skin to crack and creates a rough, unattractive appearance. Use moisturizers and emollients, and apply them while your skin is wet for best results.

* Avoid soaps that can dry your face. Soap should only be used on skin below the neck. Look for a good quality facial cleanser that won't dry your skin.

* Take care in treating skin problems. While acne and other skin problems should not be ignored, they shouldn't be over treated, either. Speak with a qualified dermatologist before you try a new skin care product, or you may end up causing even more harm to your skin.

* Don't stress out. The harmful effects of stress are widely known, but it's important to state the obvious. Skin care tip number ten is to avoid stress. When you're feeling the pressure from stress take a break, pamper yourself with a warm bubble bath or just get good sleep.

Columnist Julius Riason provides material for a variety of Internet magazines, on health and beauty and health and fitness issues.
Following these tips can make a huge difference for your skin's health. As I mentioned above, while they are simple in theory it is up to you to implement. While we all have our bad days it is up to you to make sure you follow these tips most of the time to ensure you gain their benefits.

Using Cellulite Gel for Skin Care

One skin condition that every woman hates is cellulite. If you are serious about your skin care then it is important that you investigate using anti-cellulite creams to help you manage the condition. Charlie Reese has put together an overview on gels for getting rid of cellulite that you may find to be a good alternative to cellulite lotions or creams.

Cellulite Gel is for Real
by Charlie Reese

What Is Cellulite Gel?

A cellulite gel is a formulation that is medicated or enhanced with ingredients that are meant to reduce cellulite or improve the appearance of cellulite. A cellulite gel is different from a cellulite lotion or cellulite cream. A cellulite gel is a non-oily formula that is liquid based. The liquid is thickened to allow the gel to stay in the place where it is applied. This gel texture is useful for cellulite formulas that are meant to stay on skin for a period or that are meant to be absorbed at the location at which the gel is applied.

Fat Dissolver Gels

There are cellulite gels that are meant to act as fat dissolvers. In this case, you would want the formula to stay on the skin as long as possible so that the ingredients could be absorbed. If the formula were a liquid, it would run off the spot.

As a fat dissolver, the cellulite gel can break down the fat cells that are trapped in connective tissue just under the skin's surface. The fat cells would then be absorbed by the body and eliminated naturally. The cellulite gel does not cause any discomfort as it works unless the person is allergic to any of the ingredients.

Precautions To Using The Cellulite Gels

There are precautions to using a mixture that can break down tissue. The precautions for these types of products typically include the warning not to use the medication when you are not yet 16 years old, gave birth recently, are nursing, have an allergy to any of the ingredients or you have skin problems.

Read The Label And In Particular, The Ingredients

Before using any cellulite gel, you must understand what is in the product. If you are allergic to a certain chemical or plant extract, it is important to know that chemicals in the same family may cause allergic reactions. There are a variety of pharmaceuticals, natural herbs and plant extracts that are used in cellulite gels so be sure to read the label and know what you are putting on your skin.

Some cellulite gels are formulated to be used at night. The gel texture helps the active ingredients to stay on the skin where they can be absorbed. These solutions are weaker and can stay on the skin for the entire night without causing negative reactions. You can find the right cellulite gel that can work in your lifestyle and with your budget to reduce cellulite.

Charlie Reese likes coaching about health and herbs. Charlie also likes getting psychic psychic readings and getting psychic chat online psychic readings.
Just remember that the appearance of your cellulite is heavily determined by factors such as diet and exercise. While thin women can and do get cellulite for most women who are a little bit overweight losing some extra pounds can do wonders for their cellulite.

Some Quick Tips for Caring for Your Skin

Sometimes we forget that it can be the simple things that we do or eat that can have a dramatic affect on our skin. On the other hand, often we don't know what is best for our skin. Following some simple advice can do wonders in your goal to achieve young and healthy looking skin. Skintips have put together this quick guide on some tips that you may or may not know about achieving beautiful looking skin.

by skintips

If you want to look great, then having great skin is a necessity. Diet and exercise play an important role when it comes to taking steps to improve the health of your skin beyond simply using good skin care products. Not only will it make you feel good about yourself, but the following steps also have many ancillary benefits when it comes to your health and happiness.

Dry Brush Exfoliation: This should be done in the morning prior to going in the shower. This gets ride of excess dead skin, thus allowing your skin to detox. This will also help with blood circulation and decreases any puffiness. While this is a great way to improve your skin condition it also provides a calming affect through the gentle pressure, which stimulates the nervous system. With the help of a bristle brush you can be on your way to a dry brush exfoliation once a day in no time.

Hydration: This causes your digestion to slow down and in turn leaves your body filled with impurities for longer than it should. You should try to drink 4 litres of water per day, at least. In order to make sure you meet this target have a bottle of water with you at all times throughout the day and you will find it's easy to get through this amount without thinking about it. Don't like drinking plain water? Consider adding flavoring packets to your water; or buying the flavored water.

Fibre: Fibre will improve your diet and your skin at the same time. Most people know that this will make their skin glow, but few know how to realistically eat their RDA of fibre every day. Here's some tips to make sure you manage:

1. Brown is better than white. Pasta and bread both have up to ten times as much fibre in them when you opt for brown rather than white. This is an easy dietary change for most people, so at least give it a try and see if you can make the shift. 2. Eat apples, and lots of them! Apples are sweet and tasty. More importantly their skins are jam packed with fibre. Try to eat a couple of apples a day as a contribution towards your 5 fruit and vegetables a day.

Get exercise: If you fail to get exercise then you'll notice your muscle tone turning to flab. This has been said to lead to cellulite, acne and bloating. None of which will do your complexion any favours! That's why you have to consider incorporating an exercise plan into your lifestyle. This shouldn't be a chore, and is an essential part of a great healthy lifestyle.

Sugar: Sugar may be sweet, but it doesn't do your skin any favours. This is said to be one of the major causes of ageing in the skin. You can easily tackle this problem through ensuring your not having any more sugar in your diet than you are supposed to. This means that a sprinkle of sugar on your cereal shouldn't be an option. When it comes to tea and coffee, it's easy to gradually reduce whether or not you take sugar. If you currently take 2 spoonfuls, come down to zero half a spoonful at a time.

These simple tips can have a dramatic effect on the health your skin. Of course, not all will suit your personality or lifestyle. But don't fret - achieving great looking skin isn't a zero sum game. If you do most things right most of the time you can make great changes to your skin's appearance.

Choosing a Skin Care Body Lotion for You

With all the options available on the market choosing a skin care body lotion can be a difficult task. It can even be more difficult when you realize that not every body lotion is suitable for everyone. I have found a good overview of body lotions by Suzy Hughes and have pasted it below for your information.

How To Know Skin Care Body Lotion Suitable For Us
by Suzy E Hughes

There are a few factors contributing to your dry skin. One of them is due to the exposer to snow and cold wind. When you skin is dry, it tends to be itchy. However, it all depends on the skin type that you have whether it will be affected by the outdoor factors. The other factor is due to the lack of water that you drink.

A certain amount of water is needed by your body to sustain the moisture in your skin. Who hasn't used any body lotion? Most of us have used skin care body lotion at one time or other, and may of us may believe that any lotion is good enough, that is not generally the case.

There are so many types of skin care body lotion in the market, so how do you know which one will be good for your skin in order to maintain its moisture?

Having said that, you are not going to have problem getting a skin care body lotion because it is easily available. It tells us that there are so many of us who are suffering from dry skin.

What will you do when your skin is dry and itchy? Scratching is your answer, right? Does it help? No. Why? This is because dry skin occurs deeper than the top layer.

It takes time for the skin to build back the moisture in the skin, so by applying one or two skin care body lotion will definitely not going to do that. You have to constantly applying a good skin care body lotion and drink sufficient water to help restoring the skin's moisture.

Another point to take note of is not all skin care body lotion will work. It all depends on your skin type and our skin does not produce sufficient moisture for the year. Therefore it is important to preserve our skin's moisture by applying at lease twice a day.

The frequency of applying the skin care body lotion varies due to the different types of skin that we have. Different products are targeting different deficiencies in your body, like vitamins and contain firming effects for your thighs or hips.

How To Maintain Your Skin

Look for one that provides enough moisture in your skin but not leaving it too greasy. When this happens, that usually means that the skin care body lotion has not been absorbed properly into the skin.

The other thing is drink the right amount of water which is 6-8 8 ounce glasses of water each day. It sound a lot but it is achievable. This will replace the natural moisture in your skin and keep on maintaining the look and feel of your natural glow.

Before buying any skin care products, check, antioxidants-skin-care-products make sure you check Suzy Edris' informative free report.
One of the major things that caught my attention from this article is the recommendation to drink plenty of water. Many people don't realise how important water is for your skin. It helps to remove toxins and replenish moisture at the deep and outer layers of the skin.

Using Dead Sea Products to Help Your Skin

You may not know this but products from the Dead Sea such as soaps, lotions, masks and gel can have a positive affect on your skin and health. Real Salon Products have put together an overview on Dead Sea Products and have included the article below. If you want to not only have better skin but also better overall health then investigating Dead Sea Products is an excellent idea.

Dead Sea Products
by Real Salon Products

The Dead Sea is known to possess many health benefits ranging from helping people with chronic skin diseases like psoriasis, to cardio-vascular disease and lung disease. To appreciate these benefits most people make the Dead Sea their holiday destination to soak up the sun, sea, air and earth. For the rest of us, the benefits of the Dead Sea can be found in black mud, facial scrubs, mineral soaps, bath salts, masks, creams, lotions, serums, gels, and in a variety of other formats. The key is in the Dead Sea's high mineral concentration, which has been collected over many thousands of years through a combination of rapid evaporation, sea water deposit and its unique geological structure. The black mud pools and the salt beds located at the Dead Sea are rich in minerals, containing high concentrations of essential trace elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium and up to 17 of other elements or minerals.

Modern science has proven that the minerals contained in the salt and mud of the Dead Sea stimulates circulation, enhances cell regeneration, improves skin tone and provides relief from skin, rheumatic, joint and inflammatory ailments.

Research has proven that the skin will only absorb substances it recognizes as similar components to its own cells. The rare minerals found in the Dead Sea happen to be an exact replica of the mineral composition of our own skin. In other words, your skin is able to absorb all of these nourishing minerals. The Swisa products, are imports these life-giving ingredients from thousands of miles across the ocean and hundreds of feet below sea level, directly from the Dead Sea itself. The salts and mud are then brought here in their unique raw and natural state, nothing added and nothing taken away. Finally, in the laboratory swisa combines a unique blend of Aloe, luxurious oils and anti-oxidant enriched ingredients to leave your skin healthier and more beautiful then you have ever felt it before.

From a skincare perspective, Potassium helps regulate the moisture level in the skin while Magnesium promotes healing. Sodium is an essential element for the body to function while calcium is essential for bones and muscle. The mineral mud soothes and softens the skin, promotes the natural shedding of the skin to deliver a radiant complexion and cleansing at the same time. The high concentrations of humic acid found in the mud have also been proven to be beneficial for soothing painful muscles, rheumatic conditions and arthritis. The minerals can be used in spas and baths to stimulate the immune system, which also deliver direct benefits to the respiratory systems and aid in conditions such as asthma.

The use of Aloe as a primary ingredient in the majority of swisa health and beauty products remains untouched by any other comparable manufacturer. Swisa has realized the importance of this ingredient as being one of Nature's best skin healing products on Earth. The decision to use Aloe as a base, instead of water in the majority of the products, furthers Dror Swisa's vision to provide the very best product in the most unique way.

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As you can see, investigating Dead Sea skin products can bear fruit in terms of skin care but also overall health. They can also be used to target specific health issues. All the more reason to start taking a look at using Dead Sea products today.